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their patriotism, and their sacrifices. The relief of their suffering families should not be particularly the care of the Government.
Besides those who were in arms for the Union, lists were commonly furnished to successive rebel commanders of those who were refugees because of their opposition to the rebellion, and of others suspected of loyalty to the General Government, and the property of these men was wantonly destroyed in scores of instances when it was not even needed for the subsistence of the soldiers stationed in the County.
There are also many poor families of those who were not so fortunate as to escape into our lines, but were driven at sword's point by conscript officers into the rebel ranks, compelled to risk and often lose their lives, in the service of traitors whom they abhorred.
Much destitution also exists among the families of the late rebels, [[strikethrough]]als[[\strikethrough]] for the soldiery, who had come in the beginning partly at their instance, consumed their substance when the means of the Union people were all exhausted. Like Actaeon, they were eaten up by their own dogs.