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Sumter County Ala Jany 19th 1866
Brig Genl. Wagner Swayne
Assistant Commissioner of Freedmens Bureau Montgomery Ala

Dear Sir

Having as justice of the peace, among others consented to act as agent of the Freedmens Bureau, as suggested by you and approved by Lewis E. Parsons Provisional Governor of the state of Alabama some time last summer or fall I have been acting and am continuing to act, so far as I am posted, with the orders issued by said Bureau, but my mail facilities are such that I may be without some of the orders issued relative to said Freedmen and contracts or agreements made & to be made with them. I would therefore be pleased if said orders are in convenient form to be sent that you would send them to me by mail to Ramsey's Station M.G.& T.R.R. Sumter County Ala and as said orders may hereafter