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Head Quarters
Army & Div. of West. Miss.
Mobile Ala April 20 1865.
West Gulf Squadron, U.S. Flagship "Stockdale"
off Mobile Ala. . April 20 - 1865

Steamers and other vessels, beyond the lines of occupation by the military forces of the United States, owned in good faith by private individuals if brought within our lines and surrendered to the authorities of the United States, will not be subject to seizure as captured property, and protection and safe conduct is guaranteed to the vessels and property pertaining to these, that they may be brought in under this order.
But this authority will not be regarded as determining any questions of private interest involved in this property, or as a bar to any legal proceedings that may hereafter be instituted against it, nor will it be held to apply to any blockade - runners, or to any other vessels in which the Rebel Government is directly or indirectly interested.
(Sgd) E R.S. Canby.
Maj. Gen'l Comd'g MD. W.M.

Transcription Notes:
Needs stamp transcribed (No, per Si ignore) Archive stamps are not transcribed; not part of original documents