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Mobile Sept 1st 1866

I take the liberty of addressing you a few lines on a subject of vital important to many in this county.
Oweing to the great destitution I find to exist, and the very inadequate amount of rations lately allowed me for distribution, I would respectfully ask that the back rations due this county be allowed if compatible with existing regulations.
The following is a statement of issues made and amounts drawn and due in accordance with orders from Mr. Cruikshanks.

[[3 Columned table]]
--- | --- | ---
March issued to 673 persons | 10101 Rations, | 30225 due @ 975 per day
April issued to 941 persons | 16606 Rations, | 29250 due @ 975 per day
May issued 1042 persons | 19286 Rations, | 30225 due @975 per day
June issued 1206 persons | 22080 Rations, | 30000 due @ 1000 per day
July issued 1312 persons | 18600 Rations, | 18600 due @ 600 per day
August issued 1190 persons | 12400 Rations, | 12400 due @ 400 per day
    | 99073 | 150700
    |    | 99073
    | Leaving a ballance of | 51627 due.
Altho' showing an increased number of applicants

Transcription Notes:
put ap- on next page with plicants