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1047 S 1866

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Sept 17th 1866
Swayne Wager
Maj Genl U.S. Vols

Asks whether the Brevet Rank of Lt Col has been conferred on Surgeon Chas J. Kipp U.S. Vols.

Respectfully returned, with the information that Surgeon Charles J. Kipp, U.S. Vols., was confirmed as Brevet Lieutenant Colonel of Volunteers, May 18, 1866. His commission will be forwarded to the care of Genl. Swayne this day.

J. C. Kelton
Asst. Adj't Genl.

A.G. Office, Sept. 25, 1866. }

Rec AGO[[?]] Sept 25th 66