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the testimony and after hearing dismissed the case and so to the last defendant in the suit.  The substance of the facts in the case may be thus stated  Said Burbage deported himself impudently (natural) he spoke such words as no Federal Soldier (of Caucasian origin) would speak of himself or others.  He stated (all false and made for the occasion) that he followed Gen Sherman's army through Georgia to Columbia S. C, and with others ravished many ladies, despoiled their houses, stole their goods and Chattels, and then the company he was in obtained over three hundred Gold watches and Gold rings &c in abundance and if he had his share now he could live without work.  He repeated these exploits until a man laid of him from whom he ran, upon the cry "catch him" another stopped him and he was again held and thumped.  One of the Defts went to relieve him and he bit defendant on the hand and he turned assailant, Then a son of the one bitten punished him for the act.  One of the Defts charged has not been in this county in over six years and resides in West Point Ga. Burbage has had bad advise, and it is strange that he would seek to live in a locality that knew him so well and where to his knowledge they believed him to be a bad man.  I have no doubt he has no design except to create as fast as he can dissention and confusion.  

The case was all disposed of and I have not seen him since He is known here as Jim Elliott, and would not have though of it again.  But for a notice from your office by A. J. Thornton Esq. to revive the case against two of the defendants with the assurance that the prosecutor James Burbage would be present. 
I knew it was informal but under the circumstances, I waived all objections and had every