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to have been had with Col R. that a regular salary
should be paid to Mr. Osborn, and there is evidence
that the duties of advising freedmen, making equitable contracts, and adjusting their disputes, was 
laboriously and satisfactorily discharged.

But all this while, Col Robinson neither put Mr Osborn's name in his own rolls nor advised us of the arrangement, Mr O. says he supposed he would be paid by the year, and left the rate for us to settle. He now comes up for payment with a claim for ten months services. and thinks he ought to have at least $100. Monthly.

Of course we cannot pay him any such amount. At the same time we ought to pay him something. just how much I cannot say as yet.

If you think proper, as he will be here at New Years I should like authority at that time to go with him into
a full inquiry and then pay such sum not to exceed $500.00, as such inquiry shows to be right and proper

I am General