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Wetumpka Ala June 15th 1866

Honorable H. Thompson 

Dear Sir
Your favor of 13th Inst. I am very glad to find that you and family is well  Also your partner my friend Page. This leaves me & family very well. Miss Clark sends her kind regards to you and family. She is enjoying fine health. I have nothing of interest to write. I suppose that you know all about Bishop Clinton's visit. I was very sorry that he had to walk from the River to Montgomery at least that was his intention after he left the state at the Ferry. I hope he got there without much trouble. You know when I was in Montgomery you spoke of a letter you had written to me that week. I enquired for it at the Post Office but it was not there I had a great deal of curiosity to see it but reckon it got missent. I feel under many obligations for the proceedings of Gens Steadman and Fullerton in Augusta, Ga, I shall ever remember our correspondence as one of the green spots of my existence the many little kindnesses that you have done for me have caused an undying regard to be nurtured by me for you, which I hope will last as long as I have my being. I am getting on very well with my school having no interruption from every one. The thing that troubles me most is the people is so poor that they cannot half pay for the tuition of their children. I tell you my dear friend I have a very good