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Office Supt. B.R.F.& A.L.
District of Mobile.
Mobile, Ala, Dec 3rd 1866

O.D. Kinsman
Montgomery, Ala.
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 1st inst. My statement that in my belief, the parties for whom I asked transportation would be of no further expense to the Government after reaching their destination, was simply intended as a compliance with the latter clause of par. IV Cir. letter from War Dept. dated October 29th 1866.

As far as the applications for transportation are concerned, considered when I forwarded them that the parties mentioned came fully under the "extreme cases" under  cir No.2. current series from the Commissioner. 

These people are utterly destitute, some of them broken down by disease and hardship, and are liable to starve unless they can get to their friends, or are sustained by some public charity. 