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County, I received from the Bureau at Washington the following order:

Freedman's Circular.
War Department.
Bureau of Freedmen & abandoned Lands.
Washington Oct 4.

State laws with regard to Apprenticeship will be regarded by this Bureau, provided they do not make any distinction of color. In case they do so, the said laws applying to white children will be extended to colored. Officers of the Bureau are regarded as the Guardians of Orphan and minor children &c &c ++. 

The order, no doubt, you remember; I have quoted enough for my purpose, and it will be seen that if any doubt existed in my mind as to the applicability of the Statute law upon the subject of apprenticeship, this order settled the question. I have gone farther in this matter, out of abundant caution, than the law requires. If you will examine that law you will find that nothing is required but that it shall appear in proof before the Probate Judge that the orphan or minor [[crossed out]]shall[[/crossed out]] is likely to suffer or become a burden upon the County. I, however, have adopted the rule that although this proof may be made, that the mother and