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points in question. Is there any law to make freedman return to their first employer if the contract had been read and explained carefully when then there is no violation only by leaving the service of the employer. Is there any order from the Freedmans Bureau authorizing the same. I think there should be an agent appointed in every beat for the protection of the Freedman in their rights and pay them for their services. I dont believe, because they are ignorant they should be imposed on as I am satisfied they are & will still be unless some arrangements are made for their protection. I think it would be a nice place to have an agent in every beat to approve contracts &ss. The magistrates are not the proper persons for it is before them all litigated cases go. Have an agent and make him The Freedmans Attorney or furnish him all the laws and orders for his guidance in all cases that may arise There is no more that takes more interest for the protection of Freemen of every color in all their legal right than myself. Peace and Harmony is what I desire unless where some decided rule or regulation for governing all such cases is before mentioned it will breed difficulties & adversities between Neighbors & friends &ss. If the Negro is a freeman which the Constitutionn of the State of Ala - the U.S. says he is there can be no discrimination between freedom and freedom, between liberty and liberty. If there is no law for governing a whiteman in such cases if the negro is free then should not be some for him you will please send me the law and orders, if any in such cases

I think the magistrates have taken considerable latitudes in the case above mentioned. I will ask an other question. Is it right [[strikethrough]]make freedman now[[/strikethrough]]to compel freedmen to remain at a place where they have contracted and work for their victuals & clothes, when they can get food pay elsewhere? I am opposed to the principle of violating contracts, but when it is done by absenting self only, is there any legal or military resort?

With much Respect G.W.Webb

Transcription Notes:
2-22-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review