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of pay and other allowances seven (7) blanks

Form of Application for arrears and indemnity - six (6) blanks

Form of Application of Brother and Sisters for arrears of pay and other allowances five (5) blanks,

Form of Application for Army bounty - on account of  transfer from Army to Navy eight (8) blanks

Form of Application of Mother for answers of pay and bounty six (6) blankes.

Form of Application of Widows for arrears of pay and bounty five (5) blankes

Form of Application of Fathers for arrears of pay and bounty six (6) blanks

Form of Application of Brothers and Sisters for arrears of pay and bounty six (6) blanks,

There are no blank formes of Application for arrears of pay and bounty for discharged Soldiers.

I send this statement to you in order to be supplied with any blank formes that have not already been sent to me 
