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Jacksonville Ala,
June 26th 1866

Maj. Genl. Swayne
Comdg. Dept. Montgomery Ala.
We, the subscribers, citizens of Calhoun County, learning that parties professing to be informed as to the state of this section in reference to subsistence have represented at your "Hd Qrs" that there is no necessity for the issue of rations to the indigent of this and the adjoining counties desire to state to you that from our own personal knowledge as well as from information received from the most reliable men of the county, that there has been and still is great destitution and much suffering among the indigent of the county and that the rations that you have issued have been a great benefit not only in relieving the wants of the destitute but in relieving our citizens who are barely able to support their own families from being forced to extend relief to their poor and suffering neighbors.

We desire further, Sir, to call your attention to the fact that much of the wheat crop of this section was destroyed by the freshets and that the crop on the uplands is an exceedingly short one, and totally inadequate to the wants of the county until corn is ready for harvest and, to urge on you, Sir, the importance of a continuation

Transcription Notes:
*freshets are like flash floods and that definitely is a word.