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Mr. Editor. The following is a comparative statement of the deposits with the Freedmen Savings and Trust Company, from January to May 1866.
Deposits in January. . . . . . . . .$28,531.07
Deposits in February. . . . . . . . .25,020.51
Deposits in March. . . . . . . . . . 118,839.62
Deposits in April. . . . . . . . . . 85,990.36
The deposits at the several branches for the five weeks ending June 2d, have been as follows:
Augusta, Ga., $1.322.38; Baltimore, Md., $5.587.00; Beaufort, S.C., 7,370.20; Charleston, S.C., 8,343.50; Jacksonville, Fla., 2,571.99; Louisville, Ky., 12,781.27; Memphis, Tenn., 4.165.30; Newbern, N.C., 182.00; Norfolk, Va., 7,934.32; Richmond, Va., 1,002.98; Savannah, Ga., 2,300.65; Vicksburg, Miss., 289.75; Washington, D.C., 9,928.00; Willmington, N.C., 136.50.
Total - $67.392.89.
Total amount of deposits received since March 1865, $589,037.09; total drafts paid, $338,882.01; balance due depositors, $250,205.08; Deposits at this branch in January, $4,809.00; in February, 1,994.17; n March. 4,551.98; in April, 5,245 33; in May and to June 2d, 1, 557.05.
Total deposits from January 1st to June 22d $18,845.81; over forty-seven per cent of which has been returned to its owners in the same period. C.A.W.
Mobile, Ala., June 22d, 1866