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upon very easy terms.
Mr. Garrett resides fifteen miles from town and as yet I have not met him.
The next place is the County Farm about three miles from town. Upon this place there are two buildings occupied by the Supt, and four paupers (white.) There is an abundant and never failing supply of spring water on this place plenty of timber for fuel, and building purposes, and it is a good healthy location.
I visited this place in company with two of the County Commissioners (Messrs Henderson and McMillan) they proposed to lay apart for the use of the colored paupers, about fifteen acres, upon which there is a good spring of water, and a fine building site uncleared. 
At an informal meeting [[strikethrough]]of[[/strikethrough]] with the commissioners we talked over the matter of the County erecting the necessary buildings on the place for the poor, the result was, that while they expressed themselves as willing to extend all facilities in their power to aid the Bureau in the erection of the buildings and care of the poor, still their finances were in such a condition that any proposition looking to the expenditure of any money by the county