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for such purposes, prior to the collection of the taxes for 1867, could not be intertained. 
I visited and examined the place of Mr. Riley his proposition I enclose. The place is two and a half miles from town, has a copious and never failing supply of spring water flowing past the quarters, fifty acres land under good fence, two small orchards, peach, pears, and applies, an unlimited supply of timber for fuel, and building purposes, two good houses, now available with two others that might be made so by the erection of chimneys, and some other improvements.
The place is secluded and in a healthy locality, has abundance of cleared land, for the raising of corn and other vegetables required on the place, and it is superior in every respect to either of the others for the purpose designed. 
I would respectfully recommend that the "Bailey Place" be leased upon the terms offered by Mr. Riley and that the two frame buildings now occupied as a hospital be taken down, and moved to that place, (such buildings can be re-erected at small expense) these buildings with those already there would afford ample accommidations for the number 

Transcription Notes:
Spelling errors original to document