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Evansville Ind
March 2 1867

Major General
Wager Swayne 
Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau R.F. & A.L. of Ala.


I have the honor to herewith transmit a letter from Messrs Brandeis & Crawford informing me that they will be unable to complete the delivery of the corn purchased of them before the middle of the month, Being ten days beyond the time originally agreed upon.

When I bought the corn, they said they would deliver it all within twelve days: that time will expire on the 5th inst. Mr Crawford assures me that he will have all delivered by the 10th inst. - excepting that for Tuscumbia which will take some days longer  The difficulty, and delay with all this corn has arisen from causes beyond control, during the time I was in Cincinatti it rained half the time, rendering it almost an impossibility to receive, and handle corn on the levee.  Since I have been here it has rained three days out of every five, and there is no prospect at present of its drying up.

The river has only fallen some four inches since Col. Beecher left here, and I am afraid that the almost continuous rains will keep it up to its present stage for some time, preventing