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Headquarters District of Ala.
Office Inspector and Agent Bureau
Montgomery, Ala. April 25 1864

Major General
Wager Swayne
Assistant Commissioner
In compliance with Special Order No 4 from these Headquarters. I visited Mobile for the purpose of examining into the condition of a lot of corn in the possession of Lieut. Joseph Logan A.A.O.M.
This corn was purchased, and shipped in good order from Cincinnati February 5th 1864. I found that a considerable portion of it had got damaged from the dampness of the atmosphere and from having been piled in too large quantities together: a small portion about thirty sacks is useless, from having been wet, about eight hundred sacks are half damaged from moisture, and the corn germinating: and about three hundred sacks are fit for use- as meal comes.

Transcription Notes:
[[stamp]]The National Archives of the United States[[/stamp]]