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the Wagon Master and stable man and that the Commissary force be reduced to one (1) laborer
At Selma - Mr Gardner (Asst Superintendent)
At Mobile - One messenger - and as soon as their services can be dispensed with, one carpenter, one ambulance driver, and three laborers. It is believed that the discharge of these persons while causing a considerable reduction in expenditure will not render the working of the Bureau less efficient. 
It is further recommended that W.C. Arthur (Inspector) be discharged, so soon as the temporary duty of purchasing supplies shall have been performed, unless he is retained as Superintendent in permanent charge of a station, as it is believed not to be advantageous to the service, to have a civilian occupying the position of Inspector. 
No positive reduction is recommended at Huntsville, but it is suggested that inquiry be made as to the practicability of reducing the clerical force there to one (1).
It is not believed that any changes can be made with advantage in the Educational Department.
In the Medical Department, the Surgeon in Chief states that he proposes to consolidate the Hospital and Colony at this place and on such consolidation to discharge one A.A. Surgeon, on Hospital Steward, and other attendants. To enable him to make this change, it will be necessary to have one or two additional buildings at