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|   | Amount bro't forward. |  | $72.365.35 |
| Dec 7. | Paid Perkins & Hersey | Transportation | 539.11 |            | Dec 7. | Paid C.G. Wayne | Transportation | 26. |
| Dec 7. | Paid C.G. Wayne | Transportation | 1.321.92 |
| Dec. 7| Paid C.G. Wayne | Transportation | 1,082.75|
 Dec 17. | Paid C.G. Wayne | Transportation | 1.049.00 |
|    |    |    |------------|
| 1867. |    |    | 76 384.13 |        
| Jany 3. | Paid Memphis City Transp Co. | Transportation | 547.26 |
| Jany 3. | Paid M. W. Kenney | Transportation | 23.50 |
| Jany 3. | Paid Perkins & Hersey | Transportation | 1.359.27 |
| Jany 3. | Paid Ranson Ho. | Transportation | 10.00 |
| Jany 5. | Paid Major W.A. Elderkin | Traveling Expenses | 183. |
| Jany 5. | Paid Major W.A. Elderkin | Telegraphing | 10.77 |
| Jany 19 | Paid Major W.A. Elderkin | Traveling Expenses | 71.35 |
| Jany 21 | Paid P.F. Amspaugh. | Transportation | 237.19 |
|    |    |    | ---------- |
|    | Total payments | $78.826.47 |

There are also bills alleged to be due the Memphis & Charleston R.R. Co. for Transportation, amounting to $1,527.65 : but Col. Eddy, the Q.M. at Memphis, writes that the R.R. is indebted to the Government for rolling stock, and that they are not allowed to receive the pay but that it will be settled in Washington. I have forwarded the papers to General Balloch, that such action may be had there as the case requires.

In relation to the first item in this report - the payment to Mr. Martin - I am unable to give full particulars for

Transcription Notes:
2-24-2021: Not a standard table so transcribed with columns; Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review