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Florence Ala. March 19, 1867
J.F. Conyngham, Acting Asst Adjt Genl
Montgomery, Ala,

Dear Sir,
I am just in receipt of 'Circular No 3, And in reply, I will inform you how I have disposed of Rations sent me heretofore,

By the, advice, and concurence of our good people, I in the distribution of all the Rations committed to me, I have sent them to the several Justices of the Peace in this County, with instructions to distribute to the indigents, without distinction of Race or Sects,

This course met the approbation of Gov Patton, and I have yet to hear the first complaint of injustice or partiality. Mr Robt Bliss distributed in this (Florence) District, and will report so soon as he gets reports from Justices of the peace, which may be slow coming in as we have no Mail, to some of the extremes of our county,

Not having the time, nor health to attend to this matter myself, I (with the Concurrence of Gov, Patton) turned the whole matter of the tributing Rations, over to Mr Bliss, and [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] whose acts I cherfully endorse, & of course Am responsible for & return & showing shall be made satisfactory to your department,

And to conclude, I request that you Commit rations hereafter sent here, to C A Tenyr Agt of Freedman Bureau, or some other person who has health & time to do the matter Justice by I have Neither time nor health I refer you to Gov Patton, for suitable person

Yrs &c
VM Benham P Judge