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Tuscaloosa Ala April 26th, 1867

Maj Genl, Wager Swayne

I have the Honr. herewith to enclose you the detailed report of a case that has been under the investigation of the Mayor of this City Mr. S.B. Smith, together with a brief account of two other cases very lately decided by the same officer, complaint having been made to me in the two first cases, the other I refer to to show you how the law is inforced by our Reble Mayor. in the first place I will state the case as it appears on his dockett, viz.

The Major and Aldermen of the City of Tuscaloosa 
Branch of the Peace, beating
Morris Roberts
L Taft}

In this case the costs are taxed against the plaintiff Morris Roberts
Mayor Costs 3.50
Marshals Costs 3.00
(copy from [[Doct M?]])

In this case the evidence is that L Taft on the day of April attacked Roberts on the corner of the street in front of Roberts house with a large stick and beat him in a shocking manner nearly putting out one of his eyes,-- in defence Taft's wife says that Roberts had made some indelicate insinuations to her- and that you