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away from him. he further says that he did not strike said Conner, nor attempt to strike him, and that he went there solely for the purpose of identifying the hat, and without any thought of having any disturbance.

Prince Murrell

sworn and subscribed to before me the day and year above written
R Blair
Sub Ast. Supt. B. R. F. of AL.

Testimony of Jim Caldwell, after being duly sworn, says that he traded with Charles Murrell (Son of P. Murrell) for a hat some time this spring, that on Sunday the 14th Inst he loaned the hat to Jordan Blucker, and that in a short time after a girl named Mary came after him and told him that a white man named Conner had taken the hat from Blocker, alledging that the hat was his that it had been stolen from him, he at once went and found the said Conner standing on the street near the Court House and told him that the hat was not stolen for he had got it from Prince Murrell's son Charles, and that he could prove by Prince M. that it was the hat.  That Prince M. had bought for his son Charles. Conner said go and bring him here, he then went to the church and called Prince M. out and told him what had taken place, and that he wanted him to go and see the hat.  They both then went to the corner of the street on which the Printing office is, he (Jim C.) went up stairs and found Conner there, and told him that Prince M. was there, Conner said call him up, he stepped to the door and done so, Murrell came up and asked Conner to let him see the hat.  Conner handed him the hat, and Murrell looked at it and said it looked very much like the hat that he had bought from Mr. Rabbett for his son and believed it was and wanted Conner to go with him to Mr. Rabbetts, and if Mr. R.