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that on Sunday 14th Inst, he was in company with Ths Connor (defendant) walking across the street, when Ths Conner says I believe yonder is my Hat on that Negroes head, we walked over and sat down on the steps of Mr Fosters store, alongside of where the Negro sat, with several others. Conner says old man where did you get that hat, the Negro says I bought it, Conner says at what store, the Negro says no store, but of a Black man, but I don't know who the Black man was. Conner says let me se the hat, and the Negro handed him that hat. Conner after looking at it, says I think I can prove that the hat belongs to me, and started across the street with it, towards the Printing office, and said to the Negro come on, the Negro did follow after him, witness then went another way and so no more of them.

Ths J Speakman

Sworn to and subscribed
The above is a true copy of his testimony
R Blair

There was one other witness before the Mayor that was defendant Brother Jas. Conner but he has left and gone to Miss, and therefore I cannot get him, but I do not think it could sway the case much.
Prince Murrell made complaint of this case to me the day that it occurred & I referd him to the Mayor or other Civil Magistrate, telling him that I hoped they would do him justice, but if they did not I would endeavor to see that he should have his rights. after it was decided he complained again, and on my investigating it, the decision seemed so extraordinary that I feel it my duty to make a full report of it to your Head Quarters. I enclose you a copy of the case as made out by the Mayor & put in the hands of the City Marshall for collection. I will also give you a statment of two other cases that have very lately been before the Mayor.

I am very Respectfully &c 
R Blair
Sub Asst Supt B.R.& A.L.

To Maj Genl Wager Swayne
Comd District Ala &c