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He says further, "It is believed that the loyal element of No. Ala is amply strong enough [[strikethrough]] to protect [[/strikethrough]] under the lead of legal civil officers to furnish a posse [[?]] ample for all purposes" This would be true if the officers were legal - but they have all been corrupted with rebellion - either in the rebel army, or having positions under the rebel government, to keep them out of it - and they do not put the law in force against their confederates in rebellion - Congress committed a great mistake in not vacating every office under the government it declared illegal - and until they are displaced & men in hearty sympathy with the government, appointed in their place, the union men will be very much imperiled in their efforts to organize a loyal party in harmony with the spirit & intention of the military reconstruction bills - It is very necessary Genl, that there should be more troops in Ala - I have known these people for more than thirty years - the fires of discontent and hate to the government are only slumbering - to gather strength, to burst forth again in neighborhood mischief when least expected - There will never be any more armed rebellion against the government but when they find the negroes will go against them, as they surely will, in all those localities where they can be enlightened, - they will work their vengeance upon them in the most diabolical cruelties. For myself I ask no protection from the military - men like