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He Preaches first to the whites They wont let the Colored People go in to there. But afterwards That is after dinner He'll Preach to the Blacks we believe this to be unjest. Watson and Harry are doing All they can to Hinder our success, The Preacher from Montgomery Said that he as soon as he got his church up in there would Be taught of Freedmen School. Watson said it was a lie There was No such Schools in the State this was said in the Whites Church. Now gentlemen We are [[?]] to say Any thing since Mr Peck went though here. they have that an other Man. And one Man has been found hung We can get along without Msser Stubes and Watson. Alabama can get along without Georgia, So let her wait until we call for her and if she is not got nothing Better than Misser Stubes And Watson. Let us not Call on Georgia we would sign our names But it is Dangerous  we say 300 hundred, We have written before And the letter has never got through We Beg you Do Please get these Darks out of here. old Mr Stubes took our Money During the War and fed the Rebs. And now comes write here and teling the Colour People not to vote. And we can help on our Selfs. He comes here as A Preacher and It is nothing But a trick, Let us here from you all soon We are yours and Shal Be until Death [[Boo?]] 
Direct to
George M. Belser
We have been toled to write to you All