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Office of Sub. Asst Comr B.RF and AL
Tuscaloosa July 26th 1867

Maj. O D Kinsmore
Sub. Asst. Comr &c
Montgomery, Ala,

I have the how to acknowledge the receipt of J W. Harris's communication, sent to your headquarters 15th Inst. and referred to me for report, and for the purpose of making my report as plain and short as possible, I will commence by informing you that, this suit was brought by this J W. Harris MD. against myself and wife; and if it was proper to go into detail I could show you very clearly that his case has no merits in either justice or equity, but is purely malicious.

The circumstances of the trial are just as follows, on the day of trial he was compelled to testify that neither myself or wife had ever employed him, or spoken to him on the subject of medical services in our lives. he then wanted to introduce the Negro to prove that, we had given our consent at some time, (to the Negro), that he might be imployed (wether the Negro could have sworn to this or not I cannot say,) at this point the Atty, that was acting for me objected to the admission of the Negroes being admited a witness, on the grounds that, the State Statutes did not allow Negro evidence in cases where both parties to the suit are White persons. The J.P. 
