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Office Sub. Asst. Comr. B. RF and AL.
Tuscaloosa Ala July 28th 1867

Maj. O D Kinsman
Sub Asst Comr B.RF and AL
Head Quarters Dist Ala

Dear Sir
I enclose you my Blk receipt for pay, also three other little claims for money paid by me, I have never made any charge for postage stamps not knowing wether it is proper, or how to charge it. I have used at least two hundred (200) if I am untitled to pay for them please insert the charge for me if you can, I take the liberty of enclosing these, and all my Claims to you, not knowing who else to send to, and one account of your heretofore kindness in attending to them for me
I am Sir very Respectfully
Your Obd Servt
R Blair