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Office Dept B. R. F. & A.L.
Nor. Dist. of Ala., Huntsville Ala. 
January 15th 1867

General -
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of 4th inst., directing me to "leave no supplies uncared for", and to "use my discretion, when the regular channels fail", and to "prefer loyal men for Agents".
In Nov. last, when the supplies of Corn and bacon arrived at the designated depots, I received them and turned them over to the parties named in a letter from Maj. Kinsman - said to be agents of the Mr. Cruikshanks. From these Agents I took receipts, a copy whereof I sent you some time since. Having taken these receipts, my responsibility and authority seemed to end. That the issue of these stores has been unnecessarily and unreasonably delayed; and that they have been neglected, and allowed to waste, and be squandered, cannot be denied. But I have been unable to perceive how I could with propriety prevent this abuse of

Transcription Notes:
Unsure of alot of the names and other words.