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Office Sup't B.R.F & A.L.,
Huntsville Ala., Feby 8th, 1867.

Day before yesterday I was notified by Mr. E.E. Douglass, U. S. Marshal for the Northern District of Alabama, that he no longer claimed control, in his official capacity, of the property of C.C. Clay Esq., of this City, occupied by me as an office; and I have notified Mr. C., that I should communicate with you on the subject.

I am not aware that Mr. Clay sets up any claim for back rent, and hardly see how a claim can therefor, could be sustained, if set up. But upon the restoration of the property, to its owner, it is clearly just and right to pay the rent which he thinks it is worth, or leave it.

The cellar room and an up-stairs room on the premises, are of sufficient capacity to store all the articles for issue, that are likely to be sent here at any one time; and for them and two office rooms, Mr. Clay wants one hundred dollars per month; and as I know of no other suitable office, in the city, that