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Greenville Butler Co Ala
March 2. 1867 

Commander of US Military Forces at Montgy Ala 
Dr Sir 
At last March term of our circuit court, a true bill was found by our Grand Jury against one Andrew .J. Godwin for an assault with intent to murder. A capias was issued and placed in the hand of our Sheriff Mr John T. Long and altho' said Godwin staid in this county & about until about a month ago he has not been arrested nor any attempt to that effect so far as I know. Recently he has moved I think to Russell County of this state and I am of the opinion that he is in the vicinity of his fathers in laws one Mr Lamb's of Russell County Ala. 

His victim was twice menaced with assination last year and it is his opinion that his life is still in danger. 

I regret to trouble you with this matter, is it just & equitable that men should pay taxes & do other things required by law and have no protection of life nor property yet I still regret this duty but repeated warnings have been given as to my insecurity else I should not request you to interpose your power to bring him to trial. our Courts sit here in this month. Ex Gov'r Watts can