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Sympathy prevailed among the citizens of this County for Simon once a petition was gotten up addressed to the Governor Signed by many respectable citizens of this County asking for Simons pardon. The petition was granted by his Exellency, and Simon Culver returned home Sometime in December for 1866 from the penitentiary, on the 9th day of August 1866, which Simon Culver was a convict in the penitentiary Simon D Culver a citizen of said County made application and reporting to the Judge of Probate of said County four force children minors and under the age of eighteen years to will, Alexander, Sidney, Terry, and James Aged respectively ten eight five and three years of age. Alleging among other things that said minors were the children of the said Simon Culver then a convict in the penitentiary that Betty a freedwoman was their mother that the said Betty was a resident of said County and that he was the former owner of said minors and that the said Betty was in. a entitled situation that she had no means of support but her labor and that was wholly inadequate to support her and her said children. That said Betty was then pregnant and would soon be delivered of a fifth child. And asks that said minors be appointed to him in conformity to law