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facilaties were exceedingly poor and have been most of the winter and spring.

I will state further in reference to the case of Wm Rieves[[?]] that I labored to have the matter settled so as to avoid convicting and committing him to jail, and would not have for a moment thought of doing so, had I known the laws on this subject had been repealed, I only did it as I thought in obedience to the requirements of the law.

It has been my purpose to discharge my official duties faithfully, conscientiously and impartially with all persons without regard to race or former conditions and any failure to do so, or violation of law has been, [[strikethrough[[ has been [[/strikethrough]] the result of a want of a knowledge of the law or an error of judgment.

Trusting that this explanation may in some measure satisfy you of the correctness of my intentions, and explain the delay in my reporting at your office

I am dear sir your obt servt
H.W. Clark

Major Genl Wager Swayne
Montgomery Ala