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Uniontown Perry Co. Ala
May 15 1867

Maj Genl Wager Swayne
Commanding Dist of Ala &c

General, After consultation with many of our best and most discreet citizens, I deem it proper to submit for your consideration the following statement of facts.
This place is located near the center of the rich canebrake region of Ala, and densely peopled by the Freedmen, and which in former years, furnished a very large surplus of Breadstuffs to the poorer sections of the State. Last year, the signal crop failure, materially crippled the available resources of the property holders and the Freedmen received, in most cases, very paltry wages, and this year all classes have been struggling under famine prices for the necessaries of life. Knowing all these things, I have during the present year, persistently urged upon the Freedmen the necessity of industry and economy to drive famine from their doors. My advice seemed to be appreciated, and until recently they worked faithfully, and had made such progress in Plantation work, that the most despondent employers took heart, and everything seemed to promise a fair reward both for the Planter and Laborer.
About five weeks since, upon whose suggestion I am not informed, a very large number of the freedmen met in this place, and after listening to an address from another gentleman they invited me to speak to them, and give them certain information. Believing that they were entitled