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and addressed by a Freedman sent here from Mobile. And still another meeting is called for Saturday next, under the auspices, it is said, of this same man, King.

These meetings are hearing their legitimate factions in the first place about once a week the entire laboring class abandon their work and devote the day to Politics. This alone would seriously jeopardize the whole planting interest, and result in general Bankruptcy. But the evil does not end here. The complaint is almost daily made to me, that the Laborers, who had been industrious, cheerful and efficient, have since these meeting have been held, become idle, dissatisfied, worthless and turbulent. In view of these changes a large number of planters are anticipating another failure of the crops, and the financial ruin of the country. The cases reported to me officially have largely increased in number during this time, as compared with the previous months of the year. And even the most casual observer could not fail to note the marked change in the tone and temper of the freedmen. I am fully satisfied that these large public gatherings, whilst so many exciting social and political questions furnish themes for harangues by the demagogue, and whilst the memory of zeal or fancied wrongs in so fresh in the [[strikethrough]] recollection [[/strikethrough]] minds of a large class of citizens, furnish potent agencies under the management of unscrupulous men, who have nothing at stake. for the promotion of tumult, lawlessness, and it may well happen, a war of Races. The Whites here are a mere handfull- The Freedmen are as the leaves of the forest. It is not improbable that unless some action is

Transcription Notes:
1st full paragraph: "hearing their legitimate factions" does not seem to fit the context maybe "leaving their legitimate practice"? or ?