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Office Sub Asst. Comr Bureau R. F and A. L.
Huntsville Ala. May 21st 1867

Major General Wager Swayne
Commanding Dist. of Ala,
Montgomery Ala,

I have the honor to make application to you for thirty days leave of absence to visit my family in the state of Wisconsin for the following reasons. 

I have not seen my home or any member of my family for the last fifteen months.  May I ask for a Telegraphic order in this case as letters received this A.M. seem to demand my personal attention to important private business in my State, involving a considerable sum of money.  My family relations also seem to claim my presence for at least thirty days in fifteen months.

I have the honor Genl to be
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Jno B Callis
Bvt. Brig. General and
Sub Asst. Comr