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     Hickory Flat Ala 1st June 1867

Major General John Pope

          Dear Sir, I feel it a duty I owe myself to give you some information in regard to matters occurring here - So far as the freedman is concerned we have a good many persons who give and administer to them their full rights, and a good many neither give or accord to them any thing that they can withhold

Fuquay B Holladay a Justice of the Peace for Beat No 10 of Chambers County Alabama does not discharge his duty to them or the people, I should have mentioned that he is also a Commissioner of said County. I will mention several things that can be established on him, and if they are true I will leave you to say how far I am correct in what I have said

He as Justice of the peace under his oath of office has given more than one certificate as such Justice which are wholy false and said certificate was given to injure and defraud.

He when applied to for a warrant by a freedwoman who had been brutally maimed, refused her a warrant, and immediately gave the guilty parties notice who shortly thereafter left for Tennessee where they now reside said. freedwoman is now in Arkansaw, and it is believed was sent there by said parties,—

He is distributing rations furnished by the state for the needy, to pets and partizans To able bodied and sound men, to women who are well to do in the world, who wear silk & give parties, to women who have money &&c almost excluding the freedman & the needy whites.