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Office Sub Asst. Comr Bureau RF and A.L.
Dist. No 1. Ala. Huntsville Ala. Aug. 5th 1867

Col. O. D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Comr BRF and A L.
Montgomery Ala.


I have the honor to forward the inclosed resignation of Maj Jones, and hope it may receive an indorsement, at that office, that will insure immediate action favorable to its approval. This I ask for the good of the service, as his habitual drunkedness, has rendered him not only worthless to the service, but dangerous to the officer, whoes business he handles. You will know, that I have sought to do everything I could to aid him, and if possible to induce him to reform, by kindness. He has a nice women for a wife, and she it was induced me to take his part so long. I trust he may get an honorable discharge on her account, though he little deserves it.

Very Respectfully
Your obedient servant
Jno B Callis
Bt. Brig. Genl. and
Sub Asst. Comr