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Office Sub Asst. Comr Bureau RF and A.L.
Dist. No 1. Ala. Huntsville Ala. August 9th 1867

Col. O. D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Comr
Montgomery Ala. 

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 5th inst. relating to Form 2 in my reports for July 1867, and in reply I would say, that the bill for Mr Rublee's work, was made because the services were indispensably necessary for the saving of Government Stores.

When I left for Wisconsin on my leave of absence, well knowing the inefficiency of Major Jones, and his liability to become too drunk to attend to business in a proper manner, I engaged Mr Rublee to go to South Florence, when the goods arrived, and see to their transfer from the River to the Railroad, and at the same time to see that the Corn was shipped to different points for final distribution This he did in good shape. My reason for incurring the additional expense was to save the Stores from damage, as there was no means of shelter accessable for such a bulk of supplies. Mr. Rublee should not perhaps have been designated as shipping clerk on the vouchers, but paid for his services on service vouchers. In this way he would not I think come under the provisions of Circular No. 2H.

In relation to the large rent paid by me for office, I would say, that prior to the reception of your letter, I had received the last shipment of Corn and Bacon