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Office Sub Asst. Comr. Bureau RF and A.L
Huntsville Ala. August 10th 1867

Col. O. D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Comr.
Montgomery Ala.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication bearing date of Aug. 7th in references to vacancies in Judicial Offices, in my Sub-dist. and in answer would say, that at present I know of no such vacancies, but do know that all such places from Judge down to Constable are well filled by the worst rebel element in the country; elected or appointed for their activity in the rebellion during the war. I feel perhaps more keenly than any outsider the necessity of a radical change in the officials of the Dist. Some prompt action in this respect is imperatively demanded by every law loving Loyal Citizen of the Dist. This is the only way that the evils of which you speak can be reached and justice done to the poor colored man. I have sought to attain this end by frequent representations, recommendations and endorsements on papers sent up by others. This I have done with an eye single to the laudable object of securing justice to all, regardless of color or station. But for some unknown reason to myself and other truly loyal men of the Dist. our prayers have not been answered in a single instant. 

Some days since a paper was handed me by a deligation of the only