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Marion Ala Aug 12th 1867
Major Genl Wager Swayne
I write to learn if your Genl Order No 12. issued August 30th 1865, in relation to plantation-labor, is still in force or if in force, how is Sec. 3 of Paragraph 2, giving laborers a lien or crop for wages, to be enforced? Some few men in this county appear disposed to disregard their contracts, now that the crop is made, and discharge their employees on frivolous grounds. I am glad to say, however, that these men constitute a small exception to the general rule. If the lien in favor of the laborer can only be enforced, as liens ordinarily are, by attachment, based on a bond in double the amt in controversy, then your order is practically of no effect, as but few freedmen are able to give the necessary bond. This is the difficulty I wished to suggest and to inquire a practicable remedy in such cases. 
At the risk of being considered intrusive, I must refer to another matter. Sec 57 of the Penal Code, on the subject of adultery or fornication, which is now being extensively applied to freed-folks, inflicts a fine of $100.00 for first offense besides imprisonment if the Court so decide, and besides a formidable bill of costs, Sol's fee alone being $37 50. The conviction of negroes (in their impoverished condition) of this offense is calculated to sweep away all their little earnings and generally leads to their