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Office Sub Asst. Comr - Bureau R.F and A.L.
Huntsville Ala. September 2nd 1867

O. D. Kinsman
Sub Asst. Commissioner
Montgomery Ala.


In compliance with your communications of the 16th of July and 27th of August 1867, I have the honor to transmit herewith, a List of Justices of the Peace in my Sub Dist embracing twelve counties, leaving three counties still behind, which I will consolidated and forward as soon as received from county Agents. It seems almost impossible to get a correct and complete report from some of my county Agents. This together with the irregularities and uncertainties in the mails has caused this long delay.

You will observe that in some of the counties the number of the beat is not given. This I suppose is not esentially necessary, but if so, please notify me of the fact and I shall again endeavor to obtain the same from my Agents.

There are quite a number of vacancies existing in some parts of my Dist. Recommendations to fill such vacancies will be made as fast as good reliable and truly loyal men can be found.

Very Respectfully &c
Jno B CAllis
Bt. Brig. Genl. & Sub Asst. Comr