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Office Sub Asst. Comr Bureau RF and A.L.
Huntsville Ala. Sept. 18th 1867

Maj. General Wager Swayne
Asst. Comr State of Ala.
Montgomery Ala.
Sometime since I received the enclosed letter, whereupon I sent an officer to Florence to investigate the matter, with instructions if the property was found to be abandoned property of the U.S. Government to turn it over to the most needy of the parties to assist in cropping until such time as I could report the case to you.
He proceed to Florence and found the property in dispute and a Lawsuit eminent. He found the mules to be abandoned property, that had been picked up by a negro who had held them for a long time; and that other parties claimed a right to them, and based their claims on the fact, that the mules were captured from them by the "Yankees" during the war. The negro  beged him to take the mules away stating that they were the property of the U.S. Govt. and if left with him, he could not get justice if the matter went into law.
The mules were brought to Huntsville and I now have them - What further course shall I pursue in the case? May I ask for an answer at an early day.

I am Genl very respectfully
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