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Post. Hospital
Mobile Ala
Oct 14th 1867

Capt. James Gillette
Sub Asst Commsr.
Bureau R. F. and A.L.
I have the honor to reply to your communication of the 14th inst. in regard to the prevalence of Yellow Fever at Mobile.
I can freely say, the disease is [[?]], in the Post Hospital there is now been five cases, four being [[seamen?]] and one a soldier, this is a decrease of six since last week, there is also a corresponding decrease in the other hospitals.
The number of cases in the city, is likewise decreasing, and I believe by the 1st of November, the fever will have disappeared.
Inf. I. C. [[Grierson?]] Post 22" Ins" is now recovering from a mild attack of Yellow Fever also Mr. Thompson a clerk in the same department.
The U.S. Marshall Mr. Haley has been a sufferer and is now improving. I know of no other officials who have been attacked.
In my practice, in the city..