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he was to pay the notes when they fell due- Mr Hughes will not now pay his notes nor will he return the horse. What I want Genl is my money or my horses back. I am a poor black man and am unable to loose so much.  Can I not have justice done me? Can Mr Hughes keep my horse and still refuse to pay me my lawful money? Hughes being insolvent I have no adequate remedy at law and this appeal to you for my right.  Can you not order Mr. Geo Hughes to pay me my money or let me have my horse back.  I am trying to raise something to eat and if I do not get my money or my horse I must suffer.  Please attend to this and direct to me at Kingston, Autauga Co. Ala, care of A.B. Booth.  Hoping to hear from you soon I am Gen, your most obedient st.
Billy Deramus

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P.S. The State referred to that was furnished by the Judge of Probate was sent to Lieut Whiting