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Near Camden, Ala.
To Maj. Gen. Swayne - 
Montgomery, Ala.

Dear Sir:
The undersigned an acting Justice of the Peace in & for the County of Wilcox, state of Ala., respectfully showeth:

That in 1865, about the time of the surrendering of the Confederate Armies, one John Miller, owner of two colored children, to wit: Nelson a boy, aged about 13 years, & Lucinda, a girl, aged about 14 years, disposed of them to one -- for a horse, who subsequently disposed of them to Vincent Watson. Shortly after getting possession , said Watts left the neighborhood for parts then unknown carrying the said children with him. Having been applied to by Richard Pressly, the father of said children, to have his children restored to him, I have been at some trouble to find the whereabouts of said Watts. I learn he is dead & his family lives near Mt. Willing, Lownds Co. As said children are perhaps "apprenticed," & when found would have to be recovered by writ of habeas corpus (if at all, under state law) at considerable expense & trouble to said Richard, the father as aforesaid, I respectfully ask, for an order to the effect that they be delivered to me as agent & attorney for said Richard Pressly.
And as in duty bound, &c.
F. A. Dulany, J.P. 
May 14., 1867.