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I have to labour in the conducting of this case, and I am satisfied from all the circumstances manifested that unless you assist me with the aid of the military that the ends of justice cannot be attained. hopeing that you will give the matter your earnest consideration I am very Respectfully 
Your Obt. Servt
W. G. Delony
Atty for Lewis Curlee
the Plff

P.S. After I was assaulted and struck in the court house on yesterday by Thomas Williams this Secession or Rebelious part part of the citizen of Wetumpka seemed to enjoy it very much, and I have no doubt but that it was a premeditated thing. Williams knew that he would be backed by his party or he would not have dared to do it. I like to have forgotten to say to you that the Court has posponed further investigations in this case untill friday the 28th inst at which time the investigation will be resumed &c

W.G. Delony

I learn that Tom Williams remarked in the court house after he struck me that I was nothing but a negro Lawyer no how