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Office of Blount & Chipley
Grocers and Commission Merchants.
Columbus, Ga January 24 1867
Hon'l. AC Mitchell 

Dear Sir
As you are aware I am short of laborers and find it difficult to get them in this market. I have therefore determined to go to North Carolina to secure them I saw a Gentleman of Texas last evening with one hundred and fifty hands from Saulsbury N.C. he says I can get as many there as I want in a few days at prices corresponding with those we are paying and get transportation for them by the Government but to do this, I must have a recommendation from Genl Swain or one of his assistants, that I am responsible of carrying out the Contract which of course would be the furnishings comfortable quarters provisions  [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] paying wages & c -  
Genl Swain of course is advised upon the subject and will inform you of what is necessary to enable me successfully to accomplish my objects will you do me the kindness to ask Governor Patten to aid