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Swayne C. H.
Jones Co. Ala Sept. 20th 1867

My General W Swayne

Dear Sir:  I hope you will not think me impertinent in writing you these lines in behalf of Green Walker a colored man of more than ordinary intelligence, and of Honest industrious habits.  I give you his situation in as few words as possible.  Last August year he married a woman of his own color, without procuring a License.  before marrying he asked the advice of Esq. Seay and others if it was necessary to procure License. Esq Seay replied that it was not necessary, and that those who told him to get License, just wanted to get his money and several others of influence told me the same, at last spring Court at Fayette C H he was reported to the Grand jury and a true Bill found against him & wife for Adultery. They have been arrested and recognized to appear at the next Term of the Court and answer the charge & after being arrested he took out a License & married. If you can consistently relieve him, please do so soon as I think it an injustice to punish him for violating a Law [[strikethrough]] when [[/strikethrough]] after influential men told him it would be no violation.  I was on the Grand jury that found the Indictment and a majority of the jury were men who are prejudiced against Loyal men in general. & Colored Loyal men in particular.  I am personally acquainted with Mr Walker, and all the parties concerned, & all the circumstances & have no hesitation in saying, that they should be relieved by the Military Authorities, as he nor any