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Office Asst. Supt. Dist. of Greenville
Bureau of R.F. and A.L.
Greenville, Ala. Feb. 15th 1867

Lieut J.F. Conyngham,
Actg. Asst. Adj. General


I have the honor respectfully to report that the term of service of Corporal James Beard. Co. D. 33d infantry, expires on the 23d inst. I would respectfully request that he be relieved from duty here, and such further action taken as shall seem advisable to the General commanding.

I would also respectfully report the expiration of their terms of service in the case of Private Patrick Ryan Thomas McDonald, and J.J.M. Waltz of the same company and regiment, respectfully on the 3d of March, the 18th of March, and the 4th of April 1867; for such